Sunday, September 2, 2007

I cracked..

Well, I finally ruined my sober streak toward thirty days. I am not really surprised nor were any of my friends. Made it about two weeks before I had to throw in the towel. Two consecutive days of going out to bars with friends will do that to you. Not really the best environment for me to be in but had no choice. Too much damn stimuli, I was like a pedophile in a playground. DISCLAIMER (Previous statement even offends me and I wrote it). However, all is not lost as I am learning to control my etoh intake and learning not to chase that buzz, because you never catch that slippery bastard. The initial lift I get after about 2 or 3 beers is really the best alcohol will make me feel. Beyond that the alcohol continues to dull my senses and the "good feeling" becomes less and less and my payment the following day to the gods of gluttony balloons. Definitely feeling some guilt and regret today but whats done is done.

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