Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well, yet again I jumped onto the saddle to traverse the grand Mississippi River Trail. I took off at a leisurly pace as I had just downed two spring rolls and a half a pound of chicken pad thai. (If you don't know what these are stop eating hamburger helper every meal) I only took one bottle yesterday because I had planned on a short ride. I made my appearance at the Stop-n-Go and another 89cent powerade was mine for the taking. Strawberry fruit pie to go, thank you. While in the store I noticed a wierd sound coming from my right shoe, as I looked down I saw that a screw from my cleat was about to fall out. I pulled a dime from the change I had recieved and made a quick repair and I was off. This time when I rolled up to Lewis and Clark I decided not to take the turn to Alton, after all, I am tired of remounting after each damn gate crossing, plus their was a nasty headwind brewing up for my return and after all, this was supposed to be a short ride. I bravely went forth on New Poag road, despite the fact it was horrendously busy and I was going to have to ride on a shoulder littered in rocks, dead raccoons, and kittens. I am serious, there were dead kittens. After almost getting pummeled on a few bridges I decided I had to get off the road for a bit and turned into the town of Poag. So, this town was another madison co. gem that I had never discovered. Dirty rednecks were sitting in lawn chairs smoking cheap cigarettes and admiring all of the junk they had collected to take place of what would be a lawn in normal society. There was a vegtebale stand, and I am pretty sure some of the produce had a sign that said free on it. Sure, that's what they want me to believe. As I go up to pick out a free squash some hillbilly with a double barrel will walk out and force me into a little tin shanty with a dirt floor. No one is sticking a gag ball in my mouth today I thought, and picked up my speed. Upon exiting I saw a biker turn onto wanda road and I blindly followed. I took wanda to the beginning of a place called watershed trail. I wasn't for sure where exactly I was but I was back on a bike trail and that was good enough for me. As I moved down the trail I was being smacked in the face by tons of little bugs. These things were hitting my arms, face, head, they were everywhere. The impact of them hitting my body was actually killing them, it was wierd. Every mile or so I would have to stop and takke my helmet off to clean the dead insects from my skin. Despite this the path was beautiful. The green trees seemed to grow together over the top of the trail and it gave the effect that you were traveling through a big tunnel. The trail itself was littered with the first dead leaves of fall, I felt like I was in a scene from a movie. My growing imagination also told me I needed to get refreshments. Eventually I ended up somewhere in Edwardsville and back onto New Poag. I knew this would take me back to where I needed to go and I needed to get there fast as I had been out of food and water for quite some time. I passed by the entrance to SIUE, scared a few deer away from crossing the road and eventually made it back to the Lewis and Clark center. One more stop in G.C. for a 64oz ice water and snickers bar, best 80cent I ever spent, and I was headed for home. Battling a stupid headwind the whole way I was pretty gassed when I arrived back at home. Wait, my day isn't over yet. Some bum comes running up to me, "hey man, I gotsda ting you need for dat bike. I gots lights, tail lights, head lights, 5 dolla a piece and Ill trow in da two dbd's." Funny thing was, he was right, I actually did need both of these things. I went upstairs and got him ten bucks and he gave me the gift bag of stolen property. However as I looked in the bag at the dvd's I realized he had got me. One of the dvd's was Kevin Costner's career defining film "Waterworld." I will surely never be able to give this away, let alone sell it to someone. He had tricked me and passed on his curse of Waterworld. I can already start to feel it change me.

1 comment:

C. Dugan said...

Hey Homie. I've been crazy busy. Glad to see you've been turning the pedals. When I get moved back to Ky, lets hook up for a ride.