Sunday, September 30, 2007

Budweiser Semi

My new tactic for riding at speeds faster than my limited abilities allow is to grab on the back wheel of a budweiser totin' 18-wheelin' big rig. I found that making runs up and down broadway and hanging out at the brewery actually allows to catch one of these road devouring beasts. Previous attempts to motorpace with metrobuses and garbage trucks have proved unsuccessful due to their frequent stoppage. However, a good run of green lights and minimal traffic allows one to mega-draft one of these slow starting windsmashers. Obviously there is some danger involved but I can assure you it's worth it and most importantly you will look cool to all your friends. After all, what's more important than impressing people? I know, I can't think of anything either. So, brave soldiers of the lyrca army, ride smarter, not harder. Use your intellect to bump that ave. speed so at the watercooler you can tell the one other pussy guy in your company who gives a shit about bikes your pro-worthy numbers and he can smell the superiority oozing from your pores.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about pretending to be King Furby. I was just mad because my friend is the REAL midnight rider ( and I think you should change your name. no hard feelings I hope


p.s. this post about drafting off of trucks was a little better than the standing in the shower one. good job!

midnight rider said...

I have been thinking of dumping midnight rider anyways. So, for you craig, I will, but only on the condition you give me a new name. It took me forvever just to come up with midnight rider which is by no means original. I'll let you name it. go.

Anonymous said...

I think you should be "AggroJoJr" That dude just flat out rocks and being his Jr. is your first step to stardom.

Agr------ I mean---Craig

Anonymous said...

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